To capture an interview opportunity in this tough job market means you must step up your "game" and work on identifying your unique value offer and how you outdistance other job seekers.
If you have no idea how to even begin the process of analyzing your strengths, uniqueness, or brand... you MUST click on over the my guest post for Click Here for a great step-by-step. If you like it, be sure to tweet it, share it on Facebook, or Email it!
Here is just a snippet of the post. Enjoy!
Imagine you’re a recruiter who was hired today to find a suitable candidate for the most recent job title you’ve held.
Say your success in choosing the best contenders meant a generous bonus or a more rewarding position for you!
Could you find the best candidate?
On a tight deadline?
Even if you were required to whittle the list down to only 5?
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