A network card is a small business card. This card works like a mini resume. It contains your most vital career information, it is easy to carry, and it makes a great impression! (You never know when an opportunity will present itself.) To prepare your network card, you can copy portions of your resume's Profile. What can you include in your network card? The number of years' experience in your industry; listing of your strongest qualifications; your contact information, including addresses to online portfolios, bios, social networks (such as Linked-in, and Facebook) or your online Visual-CV.
You know all those jobs that are filled by the time you call? Friends of friends of people in the company filled them! Email your extended family and let them know you are job searching. Mail them your network card. People really do like to help, and they strike up conversations in unexpected places. So, also start meeting new people. Attend meetings, join organizations, go to job fairs, seminars, anything that promotes job hunting. Where do you find this information? Newspapers, employment circulars, Internet, magazines, call the unemployment agency in your city, and career centers/resources. They have plenty of useful information.
The idea is to capitalize on every job lead. Position yourself to succeed and capture opportunities by being prepared and calling on those close to you and those close to them. Know that people will always try and help; by extending your network you are expanding your reach and increasing your career opportunities (also making new friends).
Side Note: Take a look at The Riley Guide it is an incredibly extensive and valuable online source.
For more information contact Rosa Elizabeth Vargas, a certified executive resume writer